
DAY 1 - Bedoin to Les Falles de L’eaux - Bedoin | 54.5 miles

We’ll set off from the hotel shortly after 08:30 am for a beautiful day of cycling.

There are frequent stops and the pace is gentle to allow us to get into the challenge and to acclimatise. It won’t take too long for us to wind our way through the foot-hill route and enter the peace of the alpine countryside.

The morning ride is undulating as we pass through the forest roads and local French alpine villages. After regular stops to recharge, we’ll stop at a lovely cafe for a well-earned lunch.

After lunch, we will continue our journey to xx, but you’ll be pleased to hear, the route is predominately flat. Our snack stops by some of the greatest local viewpoints will keep you going, and upon arrival back at the hotel, where you will be able to freshen up for your night before our main event!

After an evening meal and reflection on the day’s cycling, we will encourage you to get a good early night so you are fully charged and ready for our morning ascent of the world-famous Mont Ventoux.

DAY 2 - Bedoin - Mont Ventoux - Sault - Bedoin | 42 miles

After an early wake-up call, we will have a good breakfast before we leave to get us ready for our main of cycling.

Our cycling will start around 7:30 a.m., with a short section to the base of the Mont Ventoux route. The ascent is the classic way up the mountain to the summit after 12.5 miles at and elevation of 1910m .

You will ride up through forest sections and those sections and eventually reach Chalet Reynard after 8 miles. Here you will have a break and snack before you will cycle to the top.

It starts with a short steep section but as you round the first bend there is a noticeable drop in gradient. If we are very lucky we will have a tail wind and it will be possible to fly up this part of the climb. The last 1500m from the Simpson Memorial is steep again at 10% but by this time you won’t really care because glory is in sight.

After the descent, we will stop for lunch and tackle another climb for those who want. For those who are content, there will be a ride back to the hotel.

Later that day we will meet for an evening in one of the local restaurants, where you’ll also have the chance to enjoy some local food and wine before you sink into bed knowing that you will have conquered one of the most iconic climbs in the world!