

Congratulations to 2024 winners - T. Rowe Price

12 September 2024 - Paternoster Square, London

    • Tour de Paternoster is a static cycle challenge taking place in Paternoster Square, City of London.

    • It runs from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm on Thursday 12th September 2024.

    • Please arrive 15 minutes before your slot. All participants must complete the following rider waiver.

    Click here for more details on the event.

  • Team taking part are:

    • Paternoster Square Warwick Court

    • Jaguar Building Services

    • T. Rowe Price

    • CIS Security

    • The London Stock Exchange

    • BW Work Experts

    • Milestone Solicitors

    • Savills

    Click here to meet the teams

    Click here to see the slots each team member is doing.

  • Click here to see the latest leaderboard

  • Click here to donate to a team


Sign up for the Tour de Paternoster 2024, a static cycle event on 12 September 2024. This amazing eight-static cycle challenge will put you against other companies to see who can cycle the furthest but also raise money for our chosen charity partner, Future Dreams Breast Cancer Charity.

Future Dreams runs the only dedicated breast cancer support centre in the UK, based in King’s Cross, which offers an extensive range of services, both in person and online, to support the breast cancer community. They also fund vital innovative and groundbreaking research into secondary breast cancer.

This is truly an event that you will enjoy, be challenged by, and in turn will help ensure no one faces breast cancer alone or without hope.

Click HERE to find out more about how your company can register. Just click the REGISTER button above to secure your place today!



  • Future Dreams

    Breast Cancer Facts

    • 1 in 7 women in the UK will receive a breast cancer diagnosis in their lifetime

    • 55,000 women and 370 men in the UK will receive a breast cancer diagnosis every year.  This equates to 1 women every 10 minutes.

    • In the UK an estimated 600,000 people are living with a diagnosis for breast cancer.  This is predicted to rise to 1.2million in 2030

    • Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women under 50 in the UK

    Future Dreams Breast Cancer Charity

    Receiving a breast cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment is terrifying and stressful.  Side effects such as loneliness, insomnia, fatigue, memory changes, early menopause, weight loss/gain and self-blame, along with worries concerning employment, finances and relationships, can be overwhelming.  An individual’s physical and mental health and wellbeing is often adversely affected.

    At Future Dreams we believe nobody should face breast cancer alone or without hope.  We provide a wide range of in-person and online services providing practical, emotional and psychological support for those diagnosed to breast cancer, fund vital secondary breast cancer research, and promote breast health awareness.  Our professional and community-led services are available, without referral, to anyone who has received a diagnosis whether yesterday or ten years ago.  Please go to

    A few quotes you might like to use on the website…

    “I felt like I was on the edge of a cliff, Future Dreams gave me back my aims and hopes”. Pretti

    “Future Dreams makes me feel less alone.  I don’t have to explain myself when I’m there.  Lisa

    “The first time I walked into Future Dreams House I was very emotional, but it felt like someone had read my mind and created a space that made me feel I could be myself.” Lisa

    “I live alone and have no children.  Future Dreams has become my family.” Paola

    “I was lost, broken and alone.  Future Dreams made me realise I was strong and could be happy again.” Gloria                                                                                                                                                                            

    You mentioned your aim was to raise £15,000 – which would be amazing.  Here’s some breakdowns of what your money could fund…

    • £60 – could fund a specialist bra and prosthesis fitting in the Future Dreams Bra Lounge for a woman post mastectomy and/or reconstructive surgery.

    • £150 – could fund a specialist movement class for 10 individuals to help manage treatment side effects, boost quality of life and mental health.

    • £300 – could fund tailored support for 20 individuals to help manage the psychological impact of chemotherapy including hair loss, dermatological issues, lymphoedema, medically induced menopause, isolation and depression.

    • £1,000 – could fund our month programme of community group meet-ups providing critical professional and peer support for up to 30 individuals per group including young women with breast cancer, those living with the BRCA gene, primary recurrence, secondary breast cancer and from the South Asian and LGBTQIA+ communities.

    • £3,500 – could fund a specialist Life After Breast Cancer coaching course for up to 20 individuals to address issues such as PTSD, fear of recurrence, building a positive life after breast cancer, returning to work, mobility issues, fatigue and self esteem

    • £6,000 could fund Future Dreams Breast Cancer Nurse support services for one month offering one-to-one and group support through treatment and in a life after breast cancer.