Getting ready…

Our team is on hand to provide you with the best training advice.

Now you’ve just signed up for the static cycle challenge, training for the event will always help, especially if you are doing two or three sessions.

Regardless of your fitness level or level of cycling on a static bike, the training information below will support you through your training and get you ready for the challenge.

Do contact the team if you have any further questions via email or call us on 0333 4441189.

What type of clothing do I need?
Above all, wear what you feel very comfortable cycling in. We would recommend the following:

  • Comfortable cycling shirts (dri-fit), padded shorts and socks, and trainers.

  • If you are wearing cycling shoes, we recommend you use a pair that you have worn in.

  • Once you are registered you will be contacted by Future Dreams ( who will be requesting your performance top size (each participant will receive their own), team names and the slots you want to cycle.  

Steady build-up - Your training progression will depend on where you are starting from but wherever this is, you’ll need to progress steadily. Do try a spin calls as well.

If you try to build up too quickly you will end up sore and more likely to get injured.

Warm-up and cool down - You should ensure that your muscles are ready for a bike ride and that you stretch out post-exercise muscles.

Try a warm-up that includes at least 5 minutes of stretching and easy riding before starting on your training rides and the challenge.

Do the same at the end of the ride, this method calms the muscles down gently and many cyclists now also swear by a foam roller for keeping leg muscles tuned up in good shape.

Eat and hydrate well - When training you need to ensure your body and mind are properly fuelled. A banana, fruit smoothie, a small bit of flapjack, or even some jelly babies in the back pocket will really help.

Always have lots of fluids to drink in your water bottles, you will tire rapidly and become dehydrated.

Recovery & Rest - With this challenge it’s vital that your body, especially your legs, are ready for the challenge and get rest between cycling.

Yoga is great to do between training. There are plenty of simple 15- to 30-minute sessions available on YouTube.