Rider Groups

All groups listed below

Due to the size of the group and for safety reasons, there will be sections of the route that we will ride in sub-groups as listed below. Outside these sections, you are free to change groups.

The Event Director or Ride leader will advise when we need to ride in the sub-groups below. Only thing we ask is, not to ask to change groups please!

At the start of the event, groups will depart in 1-minute intervals, and each group will be asked to assemble at the start line 3 minutes before departure time. .

Group 1
7.00 am
Steve Jennings (RL)
Emma Everest (G)
Ibrahim Zogbhi (G)
Achin Joshi
Carmen Overall
Henry Dalgleish
Joanne Kelliher
Mike Schouwenaars
Kentaro Katori
Group 2
7.02 am
Arun Sharma (ED)
Zinab Aldaraji (G)
Gemma Stilliard (G)
Sanne Wiersma
Charlotte Parris-Boyle
Elise Timms
Mattias Benz
Anthony Syson
Stefano Brachi
Neil Murray
Pelayo Orts
Group 3
7.04 am
Rich Robertshaw (GL)
Dan Zuremba (G)
Andy Perkins (G) (G)
Youssouf Atifi
Danielle Miller
Erik van Dorst
Laura Edgerton
Paige Delaney
Stuart Earl
Group 4
7.06 am
Andrew Tucker (GL)
Clara Stainer (G)
Evie Hawkins (G)
Maximillan Prien
Robert Cheek
Graham Bishop
Yasmany Morales
Youeeef Otmani
Aziz Hazene
Group 5
7.08 am
Ian Pollard (GL)
Kate Sharma (G)
Katie CHesworth (G)
Jelle Akkemans
Riccardon Paolucci
Thomas Rowlands
Bruno Robayna
Emma Bullough
Joanna Ibron

RL - Ride leader | GL - Guide Leader | G - Guide | ED - Event Director